Death of a relative

Losing a relative is always difficult, and when death occurs abroad, there are additional formalities, some of them quite complex, but nonetheless essential.


The consulate is available to support families through this process as much as possible.

During the consulate’s opening hours, you can contact the social service Department of the consulate.

Outside of the opening hours, the consulate can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on a dedicated emergency line.

An agent on call will be available to provide preliminary information until you are able to reach the social service Department during office hours.

The consulate can :

  • put you in touch with funeral homes and assist you with the steps to take with them ;
  • assist you with the steps to be taken with assistance companies ;
  • if close relatives wish to do so, authorize the repatriation of the body or cremated remains ;
  • guide you if you need psychological or legal assistance ;
  • help you with other steps, including the transcription of the death certificate ;
  • keep you informed on the progress of all formalities and ensure you never feel powerless or isolated during this very difficult time.

Information of the repatriation of a body to France

Families wishing to repatriate a body to France should encourage the funeral home to contact the social service Department of the consulate so as to inform them on the required documents to deliver the authorization of transportation and seal the casket.

PDF - 32.1 kb
(PDF - 32.1 kb)

List of documents required to request a repatriation of a body to France

PDF - 372.4 kb
(PDF - 372.4 kb)

Authorization request of transportation of a body to France

Information concerning the repatriation of ashes to France

Families wishing to repatriate ashes to France should consult the list of documents required to obtain an authorization of transportation of cremated remains and contact the social service Department.

PDF - 34.6 kb
(PDF - 34.6 kb)

List of documents required to request a repatriation of ashes to France

PDF - 372.4 kb
(PDF - 372.4 kb)

Authorization request of transportation of a body to France

Last modified on 09/05/2023

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