Conferences@934 : Contagion, fiction et réalité

SIDA, SRAS, H1N1, crise de la vache folle, grippe aviaire, E-coli... Sommes-nous armés contre les nouvelles épidémies ?

JPEGDébat avec :

Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, Professeur en Microbiologie à la Mount Sinai School of Medecine de New York et Co-Director of the Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute, et Bruno Chomel, Professeur spécialiste des questions de Santé publique et reproduction à l’UC Davis School of Veterinary Medecine, co-rédacteur en chef de Veterinary Reasearch.

- Lundi 31 Octobre 2011, à 18h30
Consulat Général de France
934 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10021
(entre 74th et 75th Streets)

SIDA, SRAS, H1N1, crise de la vache folle, grippe aviaire, E-coli... De nouveaux virus sont régulièrement identifiés. La mondialisation a accéléré la vitesse de propagation des maladies entre foyers de population. Parallèlement, la recherche médicale et les mécanismes de surveillance épidémiologiques s’améliorent pour trouver une reponse à cette menace. Pourra-t-on éviter une hécatombe comme celle de la Grippe espagnole qui fit 30 millions de morts en 1918 ? D’ou viennent les risques majeurs aujourd’hui ? Au-delà de l’approche catastrophique et fictionnelle du film Contagion, scientifiques et gouvernements sont-ils preparés a une pandémie ?

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Extrait de la conférence

Les intervenants :

JPEGDr. Adolfo Garcia-Sastre

- Dr. García-Sastre is Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Co-Director of the Emerging Pathogens Institute at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. He is also Principal Investigator for the Center for Research on Influenza Pathogenesis (CRIP). He is the leader of the basic research component on Viral Therapeutics and Pathogenesis of the North East Biodefense Center proposal, which involves the collaboration of more than 20 academic institutions in New York, Connecticut and New Jersey. For the past 15 years, his research interest has been focused on the molecular biology of influenza viruses and several other negative strand RNA viruses. His studies led to the generation of attenuated influenza viruses that might prove to be optimal live vaccines against influenza. His research has resulted in more than 100 publications and reviews.


JPEGPr. Bruno Chomel

- Pr. Chomel is a Professor for Population Health and Reproduction at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. He is an expert on infectious disease zoonoses and public health, wildlife epidemiology and tropical medicine. He teaches epidemiology, zoonoses and veterinary public health, and has been a guest speaker to numerous organizations nationally and internationally. Mr. Chomel is in charge of plaque surveillance in wildlife and domestic animals for the State of California Zoonoses, and a specialist to the Californian Department of Health Services. He is also associated to the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for New and Emerging Zoonoses. He has been the co-Editor-in-Chief of Veterinary Research since 2002.

Discours de M. Philippe Lalliot, Consul général de France à New York

Dernière modification : 03/01/2018

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